Special Issue “Enhancement of Public Real-estate Assets and Cultural Heritage: Management Plans and Models, Innovative Practices and Tools in Supporting the Local Sustainable Development”

Dear Colleagues,

In recent years, new forms of enhancement of public real-estate assets and cultural heritage is one of the crucial challenges concerning the sustainable use of resources as an investment opportunity, based on research and innovation, dynamic way to stimulate preservation, development, renewal and transmission to future generations of these essential assets for development. The initiatives of local communities to regenerate abandoned spaces are increasingly widespread. Activities in the third sector, profit and non-profit associations, cultural and creative industries, start-up incubators, and crafts are just a few of the activities that are hosted in the enhanced assets. At the heart of these experiences is the desire to encourage economic and social innovation, while at the same time promoting synergy between public and private operators and supporting otherwise difficult development initiatives.

We invites researchers from different backgrounds, to exploring theoretical methodologies and/or presenting case studies deriving from different disciplines and approaches.

The reflections of researchers and scholars may address these topics from multiple perspectives. They may draw from specialized fields within geographic, economic, historic, cultural, architectural, social sciences and theory of decision.

The general aims of the special session are:

  1. Deeping the understanding of the role of cultural heritage valorization and public real-estate assets in local development processes;
  2. Increasing the dissemination of appraisal methods and systematic evaluation tools in the Heritage valuation and management fields;
  3. Providing decision-making support in the planning phase of heritage interventions;
  4. Improving the understanding of the dynamics, benefits, social and economic values of Heritage as a factor attracting innovation towards territory;
  5. Providing policy makers with possible solutions for heritage management as driver for local and sustainable management.

Prof. Dr. Lucia Della Spina
Prof. Dr. Francesco Calabrò
Guest Editors

Call for paper

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SIEV is an association whose members are drawn from academia and the profession at large, both involved in real estate valuation and real estate investments. SIEV is dedicated to developing and disseminating activities and knowledge related to real estate valuation in the fields of architecture, civil, building environmental and territorial engineering.

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