Organizational Structure

President: Alessandra OPPIO

Vice president: Antonio NESTICO’

Treasurer: Elena FREGONARA

Secretary: Ivan BLECIC

Board of directors:

Ivan BLECIC, Elena FREGONARA, Patrizia LOMBARDI, Benedetto MANGANELLI, Ezio MICELLI, Giulio MONDINI, Pierluigi MORANO, Antonio NESTICO’, Alessandra OPPIO

Arbitration Committee:

Roberto Maria BRIOLI, Alberto Maria LUNGHINI, Ferruccio ZORZI


Gianluigi DE MARE, Fabiana FORTE, Manuela REBAUDENGO

Honorary President:  Stefano Stanghellini



SIEV is an association whose members are drawn from academia and the profession at large, both involved in real estate valuation and real estate investments. SIEV is dedicated to developing and disseminating activities and knowledge related to real estate valuation in the fields of architecture, civil, building environmental and territorial engineering.

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