An innovative didactic experience for the sustainable urban regeneration. The redevelopment of the “Città della Salute e della Scienza” in Turin.

Turin, 2nd October 2020 JOIN ZOOM MEETING

National Seminar online

As part of the Citylab International Conference “Caribbean Education for Sustainable Urban Development” 1st-2nd October 2020

The International Conference “Caribbean Education for Sustainable Urban Development” represents the final event of the Project “Citylab CAR – Engaging students in sustainable Caribbean Cities” (Erasmus + Key Action 2 Programme, capacity building in higher Education, co-funded by the European Union).

As a part of this international conference the Politecnico di Torino organizes a National Seminar to disseminate and stimulate discussion both on innovative teaching modalities in higher education for sustainable (urban) redevelopment and on case study that should be at the center of the citizen debate. In this event will be shared the experience developed in the Atelier “Architecture heritage preservation and enhancement” that in the a.a. 2019/2020 faced the redevelopment of the hospital “Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino”. Starting from the results obtained, we will debate with students, teachers and external actors, on the Problem Based Learning approach and on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs UN 2030) in urban projects, to focus on the urban complexities future prospects of this urban area in which the graduates in Architecture will be called to work.


Scientific and organizing commettee – Politecnico di Torino, Architecture and Design Department: Prof. Rocco Curto, Prof. Elena Fregonara, Arch. Diana Rolando e Arch. Alice Barreca


The participation to the National Seminar is free.


International Conference website:

Citylab CAR project website:


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