Role of the Scientific-Editorial Committee (CSE)
The member of the CSE of the journal Valori e Evaluations has a maximum duration of 3 years and is renewed at the same time as the other governing bodies of the journal.
Each member of the editorial scientific committee must:
- be available, according to his skills (cluster to which he belongs), to review the papers proposed to the Journal;
- undertake to continuously propose high quality contributions to the Journal;
- encourage colleagues and collaborators to propose high quality papers;
- contribute with suggestions and recommendations to improve the quality and scientific impact of the journal.
If you are interested in joining the CSE, send your CV and cover letter by filling out the form below.
Your application will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Will your qualification help the magazine’s editorial direction?
- Do you have experience as a peer reviewer in the field of Appraisal and Evaluations?
- Do you already have a history of member in editorial committees of Journals?
Your application will be considered by the SIEV Board of Directors and by the Director of the Journal.