Urban rent control: a decision support tool for the optimal resources allocation between urban forest projects

[Controllo della rendita urbana: uno strumento di supporto alle decisioni per la distribuzione ottimale delle risorse tra progetti di forestazione urbana]

Department of Architecture and Design, Architecture Faculty, “Sapienza” University of Rome, 00196 Rome,Italy e-mail:

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy e-mail:

Department of Science of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Bari, 70125 Bari, Italy

Department of Architecture and Design, Architecture Faculty, “Sapienza” University of Rome, 00196 Rome, Italy    e-mail:
Valori e Valutazioni 2020, 27, 77-90 ;


Green areas in urban agglomerations are strategic resource for the sustainable city development. The implementation of Urban Forestry Projects (UFP) allows on the one hand to raise the environmental quality level, improving the microclimate and preserving biodiversity, on the other hand to promote urban regeneration and promote socio-economic development by creating eco-systemic s er vices for the population. The result is a more rational land use and an increase in real estate values. Although the EU Directives show the need to promote the sustainable territory growth through the recover y and redevelopment of the built environment, the implementation of investments based on eco-system logic is rarely counted as a priority action for the city, often preferring a different allocation of available resources. The present work aims first to define an indicators set useful to express the value components – financial, social, cultural and ecological- environmental – for the UFP. These indicator s are the reference terms for the characterization of an innovative protocol of multicriteria analysis for the public operator who wants to establish the optimal distribution of funds between UFP units in limited areas of the urban fabric. The protocol uses the algorithms of mathematical programming and is tested on a case study about urban areas to be redeveloped.


sustainable development, land use, economic evaluation, urban forestry projects, multi-criteria decision analysis, continue linear programming
