7th International Conference on Smart Monitorig, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures

La conferenza che si svolgerà tra il 4 ed il 6 settembre 2024 presso il Campus dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno in Fisciano, ospiterà il mini-symposium (n.10) dal titolo

Economic assessment and Life-Cycle performance in building and civil engineering works 
organizzato dai proff. Antonio Nesticò (University of Salerno, Italy) e Renato Passaro (University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy)
The construction sector, which today accounts for about 10 per cent of global Gross Domestic Product, causes 33 per cent of total energy consumption, 40 per cent of raw material use and 40 per cent of solid waste production. It is therefore one of the main sectors responsible for the climate crisis. It follows that in the civil engineering field there are increasing efforts to search for innovative and sustainable materials, technologies, structural solutions, and production processes. These, in addition to being environmentally friendly and technically performing, must represent economically viable solutions over the entire life cycle.
This mini-symposium invites discussion on the need to adopt Life-Cycle Thinking (LCT) approaches in decision-making processes concerning structural design and its effects on the realisation and recovery of civil works. The aim is to consider sustainability in the entire project life cycle, from design to decommissioning. We encourage applications that focus on the life cycle performance of innovative materials, structural components, buildings and civil works, and renovation interventions, from an economic, environmental, social, and integrated perspective.


Deadline for Abstract Submission – 31 OCTOBER 2023


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