The manuscripts should be submitted electronically by one of the authors after registering on the website
On the web page, all information must be written in the dedicated boxes (title, abstract, keywords), the thematic area (Topic) must be selected and, the name of the authors, their affiliation and the e-mail address must be provided. You need to tick the box relating to “terms and conditions”. Finally, one or more files (max size for each 10 Mb) must be attached, all anonymous. The file containing the text of the paper must comply with the following editorial standards:
This should be concise and clearly refer to the contents of the manuscript.
Subdivision – numbered sections
Divide the paper into clearly defined and progressively numbered sections.
The subsections should be numbered 1.1, 1.2 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, … etc.). The abstract should not be included in the numbering. This numbering should also be used for internal references. Each subsection should have a short title.
The manuscript should be preceded by a concise and factual abstract. The abstract should clearly state the purposes of the research, the principal results and the major conclusions.
Immediately following the abstract, provide five keywords
Figures and graphs.
- Always use the same font when possible (possibly arial, courier; times new roman, symbol) and uniform lettering and sizing.
- Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
- Provide captions to the figures and tables
- Produce images as near to the desired size of the printed version as possible.
- Submit each figure both within the text where you would insert it and as a separate file.
- The authors are requested to consider the reproducibility of the figures in terms of the sizes of the lines and graphic characteristics of the figures.
Number the tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.
Bibliographic references
All the publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references in alphabetic order following the text of the manuscript.
All citations in the text should refer to:
- Single author: the author’s surname (without first name initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;
- Two authors: both authors’ surnames and the year of publication;
- Three or more authors: the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” and the year of publication.
Citations in the text may be made directly or parenthetically. Groups of citations should be listed chronologically.
For example:
- “as demonstrated (Author 1, 1996a, 1996b, 2000; Author 1 and Author 2, 2001)”.
- “ as recently discussed by Author 1 et al. (2000)”.
The reference list should first be arranged alphabetically and then sorted chronologically for the same author, if necessary. More than one reference from the same author (s) in the same year must be identified by the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, after the year number, etc. for example:
Reference to a journal publication:
AUTHOR 1 N., AUTHOR 2 N., AUTHOR 3 N., Title of the article, Full name of the journal, Volume, year, p.p. xx-xx.
Reference to a book:
AUTHOR 1 N., Title of the book, Editor, where printed, year.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
AUTHOR 1 N., AUTHOR 2 N., AUTHOR 3 N., “Title of the chapter”, in Author of the book 1 N., Author of the book 2 N. (Eds.), Title of the book, Editor, Where printed, year, pp. xx-xx.
Reference to a paper published on the Proceedings of a Conference:
AUTHOR 1 N., AUTHOR 2 N., Title of the article, full title of the conference, Place, date.
You will need to format your article ready for submission. To make this easier, Word template is available, ready for you to download and apply to your document.